It Never Gets Old...I Hope

Monday, November 28, 2011

So, while Christmas shopping - in a packed bookstore full of busy, cranky, and impatient people - I stop and grin. Right there on the shelf is a book with my words inside. It makes me want to laugh, but I don't. Only on the inside, anyway. It's The Dream coming true. And it keeps coming true.

It makes me want to write even more. So vanity can be inspiration, too. ;)

NaNoWriMo, Part II

November is running out, and novelists all over the world are scrambling to get down the last of their 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo. I was freakishly efficient, so it only took me a little over two weeks to finish. And we're not talking about what I neglected in order to finish that soon. In any case, the words are written, and only editing remains. I'm letting my story stew a little before I start that.
While writing, something occured to me. It's not reaching the 50,000 words that is the real reward, and it doesn't really matter if you write 40,000 or 60,000 - what's important is that you write. The more you write, the easier it gets. So to those who don't reach the goal by Wednesday night - screw it. You did good if you got something - anything at all - written. Writing isn't a race. It's a process. And sometimes processes don't cooperate or take longer than expected. Whatever.
Be grateful for every word you wrote. I am.
I don't know what's going to become of my story. It's called "A Thousand Sunsets" and is about the chances you get - and take - in life. It needs work before anyone gets to see it, but I'm happy with the overall idea of it. I'll be back with a snippet when I start the editing process.
Two days left of NaNoWriMo 2011 - use them well. And happy writing!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

National Writing Month started today - the task of writing 50,000 words in 30 days - and I'm participating for the second time. Last year, I was talked into it on the very day it started, so I had very little time to come up with an idea for a plot.

This year, I'm more prepared and am excited to get started for real. NaNoWriMo presents an excellent excuse to get some words out. What you write doesn't have to be perfect - that's what editing and December are for. And the more you write, the easier it gets. The support from your writing buddies is also valuable, and if seeing that your friends are ahead of you on the word counts won't push you to write, nothing will!

If you're participating, happy writing! If not - why?