

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. One of the first "real" stories I wrote - when I was around ten or so - was about a woman killing her husband and creating the perfect alibi for herself. So it's safe to say that I've always had an active imagination.

I wrote on and off for periods until a few years ago when I started to take it seriously. I got my first short story published in 2008 - the first one I ever submitted to a publisher - and it took just a few hours to write. That gave me the impression that it was easy. And it's not. It's really, really not. But it's fun and challenging and I love it.

When I don't write, I spend time with my family. I read, I crochet, I photograph, I paint, I scrapbook, I cook, I bake...see the pattern? Most of my time is spent creating something one way or the other. I just can't help myself.

I'm from Denmark and have lived here all my life save for a short stint in Ireland, where I lost my heart to Dublin.

You can find me here:

Twitter: @jannielund

Facebook: Jannie Lund

Goodreads: Jannie Lund

Or contact me at jalund@gmail.com


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