Facebook Page

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I have a new author page on Facebook. Go check it out HERE. :)

Rejections – a Writer’s Battle Scars

Friday, September 14, 2012

Any real writer should have a drawer or an email folder full of them. Rejections. The dreaded and unavoidable evil for all writers. They crush hope and dreams, they hurt, and they are your self confidence’s worst enemy. Whether it’s a standard letter full of useless but polite phrases or a personal note from an editor, who took time to point out what he or she did and didn’t like, it sucks to open a letter or email that says that you’re not good enough. Because it’s personal. You put your heart and soul into your work, and then someone just says “no thanks. Next”. It blows. No question about it.
But. And there is a big but. If you hope to make it in the writing business, then rejections are part of the game. You need to take whatever criticism the rejecting editors (hopefully!) give you and learn from it. Use it to move on. Mope for a few hours or a day at the most, and then let it be a kick in the ass so you work even harder. Sometimes it’s not just a cliché to say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. In writing it’s true. If you don’t let the rejections get you down, they will make you stronger. They are valuable experience.
Besides, a drawer or folder full of rejections proves that you’ve tried. That you’re not one of those people who dream about writing a book but never get off their ass and actually do it. Rejections mean that you’re out there chasing your dream and that you believe in yourself even when random editors and publishers don’t. And that’s what you need to succeed, because if you don’t believe in your work, no one else ever will.
And remember – battle scars are sexy.

Kirkeklokken i natten

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Kirkeklokken i natten" was the first novel I ever wrote. The fact that it's now in print is solely because I wanted a copy on my shelf. It's a suspence novel for children aged 8 to 12 and is about Gustav. He lives in a small town where strange things start to happen. No one seems interested in finding out why, so it's the boy against the world.

A big thank you to Laura and Christina for putting up with me and my words while I was creating Gustav's world.

It's available here, though in Danish only.

"Kirkeklokken i natten" var den første roman jeg skrev. Det at den nu findes i bogform skyldes udelukkende egen egoisme fordi jeg ville have et eksemplar stående på hylden. Det er en krimi for børn i aldergruppen 8 til 12 og handler om Gustav. Han bor i en lille by, hvor der begynder at ske mærkelige ting. Ingen andre virker interesserede i at finde ud af, hvad der foregår, så det er drengen mod resten af verden.

En stor tak til Laura og Christina for at holde mig og mine ord ud da jeg skabte Gustavs verden.

Den kan købes her.